Monday, 24 August 2015


Today day by day we are vehemently falling prey towards using conventional technology. Whether it may be electricity, fossil fuels, etc;

Currently everybody wants to own a vehicle and travel independently as per their own plan and time. When we see number of vehicles on road, it would be either equal or more than number of citizens. This shows the craze of youth, in fact it’s a matter of status, ironically.
Even if they want to have a vehicle they are eager in purchasing sports vehicle like bikes and cars refrain from using vehicle which is economic in terms of mileage. No doubt some sports enthusiasts can own such vehicle but shouldn’t use it daily as it gives less mileage than others.

When I used to travel in city, I would find that vehicle users are not even stopping their vehicle at the traffic signal. This implies that fuel is wasted for five minutes as well as level of air pollution is on the rise as engine emits more exhaust gases during that time. This thing prevails with millions of riders. Now think of wastage of fuel and pollution. Even if we stop our vehicle during traffic signal, it would be valuable drop and it would be transformed into lake when millions of user will follow the same trend. So awareness is needed to be created for the same as not only literate people are driving the vehicle but illiterate also. But shockingly sometimes scenario may get exchanged between literate and illiterate. I have seen many public and private transport vehicle drivers which don’t take above topic as granted just because they are being sponsored financially by government or a private firm respectively. But shouldn’t they be doing for the sack of our Country??  

Another solution towards surfeit use of fuel is shifting towards mass transit i.e. using train, bus as a mode of transportation. Commuters will sure be using these modes if the frequencies of such vehicles are appropriate. And this public transport takes same time in reaching the destination as our private vehicle provided frequency is apt. I hope my friends and commuters wouldn’t mind if they depart five or ten minutes earlier, then they used to depart while they were travelling by private vehicles. Only matter of concern is frequency of publicly owned vehicles and if they are kept as per the demand of public by the ruling Government then it would be icing on cake.

Another way of saving our own future is using non-conventional fuels like solar, water, hydrogen, etc; We are marching ahead in this field at the pace of tortoise but the extinction of fuels in future is tempting us to find alternative fuels.

I hope we will make every possible effort to mitigate above problems.

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