Tuesday, 10 November 2015


Friends, many years back the question were raised by many citizens that whether reservations should be there or not?? But since last two months, there is a buzz regarding this topic. According to me reservation is for the upliftment of the citizens of any country, provided if there is any need. When reservation was added to our constitution, its main objective was to create UNITY among the citizens of India by bridging the gap between the people of different castes. We are living in a 21st Century where we all have equal opportunities provided we must be capable enough.

 When we were in a school we used take pledge during the assembly prayer: “All Indians are my brother and Sister”. Now you tell me, Can we be brother or sister if we are divided based on caste?? Can we be siblings, if we are separated in colleges just because of the reservation even though we get the same marks in school?? How can a brother or sister would like to separate from each other, if they were in the same school when they were child??Are we still same child of our mother INDIA?? Indeed we are.

Yes financial assistance should be given to economically backward class, as we live in an era where money plays a major role. But talent is also the vital parameter in this cut throat competition. So should we compromise on talent?? Never!! Should we focus on upliftment of citizens based on their financial conditions?? Of course yes!!

I would like to narrate you one incident of my friend. He got the 2nd rank in the class with 89% and of one of  our classmate secured 5th rank with 79%. Now when we applied all together for a single branch in a single college; my friend didn’t get admissions into that college just because of the reason that he was from upper class and for this category cut off was 90%. Whereas other classmate who secured 5th rank got into the same college in the same field as he was from lower caste and for which cut off was 78%. The same thing happens in recruitment of government/public sector. And after all jobs plays a key role in any country.

No doubt there are some friends of mine who have taken admission purely based on merit; despite they were from lower caste. And I know there are many such great people in this world.

Don’t you think current reservation is turning to be divisive rather than uniting??And when we are reserving any seat based on any factor other than talent or excellence, it’s invalid logically. So entry for any recruitment/ admission should be purely based on merit. And if this happens, then India would definitely be leading in many fields among the world. If you think, there is a need for EQUALITY; Raise your voice. 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Addiction: Yes or No??

We are living in a materialistic world, where science and technology are the driving fields. Many Countries have sent their Satellites to the Mars in order to do research in this hot planet. Even few are trying to go on Moon as a trip on Vacation. These were the glimpse of advances in this emerging subject. But of course there are demerits of the same technology and today’s topic is on the same, as drawbacks may outweigh advantages!!

We all are aware of trending applications and websites which has overshadowed productivity of our youth. I believe there are many benefits of these applications as we chat with friends and families’ miles away free of cost, provided data pack is available. But I was astonished by the way the netizens uses it and more by their frequent usage. I’ve seen people riding vehicle and simultaneously chatting on Whatssapp and Facebok. And to some extent, there are few great people; who use these social media’s when they take lunch or dinner. Doesn’t it a threatening addiction??

I believe that it’s wastage of time if we are using it in our productive hours. I have seen it affects their family member’s, especially senior citizens and their parents (considered they don’t use such applications). How? Let me tell you. When they chat too much with their friends and colleagues on such platform, they refrain from spending quality time with their families. We must balance all these activities.

According to me they (Social Networking Sites) all are boon to human being as it provides us a way to interact with each other. But one must understand the difference between addiction and apt usage. I too use it, but judiciously. This is my humble suggestion for the people who feel they are addicted to such websites. Otherwise if you are casual user...Carry On. After 


Sunday, 11 October 2015

Traffic Sense in our CITY

Stopping is not required while taking left at CROSS ROAD
We are living in a city, where on an average each youngsters or citizen possess their own vehicle; especially bikes, Cars and others. Indeed, problem of Pollution and depletion of fuel are threatening. But today’s topic is quite different. It’s about traffic sense of our few excellent riders, sarcastically.

I use to travel a lot in the city areas during weekdays, but I was flabbergasted by the way travellers were riding vehicle particularly two wheeler. Most dreadful situation prevails during the Cross Road...How?? Let me tell you.

Whenever we are waiting for the green signal at the Cross Road; the LEFT most lane on our side is the lane for the Commuters who want to take left and he don’t need to wait for any signal’s permission. That rider can take left and go on his way. This is what should happen ideally!!

With great respect to our travellers, I would tell that it’s disgusting that still they need to wait despite of it’s not required when we want to take a left turn. But why they need to wait for the green signal? It’s not that they are unaware of the law. Because there are many riders who wait on that lane in order to get rid of heavy Traffic. Although they are not going to take left turn but they are going to travel in a straight direction, then also they will wait there; so that they can get out of the traffic.

They are not thinking about riders who are standing behind them, as they want to take left turn. So they need to wait, just because of the rider which lack traffic knowledge or are they are too busy? But I clearly think they mustn’t be standing there.

I have seen this daily at Income Tax Cross road in Ahmedabad and I’m sure this is happening at numerous places. So what’s the SOLUTION? Traffic Police, Well no!! I think in this meager topic we can pay ourselves enough attention. We have deployed enough Traffic police on our roads. I have seen many places in India like Mumbai and Pune, where there are no Traffic Cops; but still mature public manages themselves and follow the signals adequately.

So we need to think where we are in APNU AMDAVAD!! But I’m 100 percent sure that if we follow this small guideline of our Traffic Rules, definitely lot of our time can be saved from those hectic traffic jams. 

Monday, 24 August 2015


Today day by day we are vehemently falling prey towards using conventional technology. Whether it may be electricity, fossil fuels, etc;

Currently everybody wants to own a vehicle and travel independently as per their own plan and time. When we see number of vehicles on road, it would be either equal or more than number of citizens. This shows the craze of youth, in fact it’s a matter of status, ironically.
Even if they want to have a vehicle they are eager in purchasing sports vehicle like bikes and cars refrain from using vehicle which is economic in terms of mileage. No doubt some sports enthusiasts can own such vehicle but shouldn’t use it daily as it gives less mileage than others.

When I used to travel in city, I would find that vehicle users are not even stopping their vehicle at the traffic signal. This implies that fuel is wasted for five minutes as well as level of air pollution is on the rise as engine emits more exhaust gases during that time. This thing prevails with millions of riders. Now think of wastage of fuel and pollution. Even if we stop our vehicle during traffic signal, it would be valuable drop and it would be transformed into lake when millions of user will follow the same trend. So awareness is needed to be created for the same as not only literate people are driving the vehicle but illiterate also. But shockingly sometimes scenario may get exchanged between literate and illiterate. I have seen many public and private transport vehicle drivers which don’t take above topic as granted just because they are being sponsored financially by government or a private firm respectively. But shouldn’t they be doing for the sack of our Country??  

Another solution towards surfeit use of fuel is shifting towards mass transit i.e. using train, bus as a mode of transportation. Commuters will sure be using these modes if the frequencies of such vehicles are appropriate. And this public transport takes same time in reaching the destination as our private vehicle provided frequency is apt. I hope my friends and commuters wouldn’t mind if they depart five or ten minutes earlier, then they used to depart while they were travelling by private vehicles. Only matter of concern is frequency of publicly owned vehicles and if they are kept as per the demand of public by the ruling Government then it would be icing on cake.

Another way of saving our own future is using non-conventional fuels like solar, water, hydrogen, etc; We are marching ahead in this field at the pace of tortoise but the extinction of fuels in future is tempting us to find alternative fuels.

I hope we will make every possible effort to mitigate above problems.


Friends, we live in 21st Century and does it suit on us if we are divided by cast, race, religion, gender and nationality? Indeed not. Albeit the colour of our blood is same, we are divided by above points and it’s the bitter truth.

I would like to narrate a story about my friend regarding this topic. My friend scored about 85 % in his class tenth and it was his dream to study in one of the top five colleges of our city. But unfortunately when the merit list was declared, there was a cut-off of 86 % for the open category which my friend belonged to. So he wasn’t able to get admission in that college just because he belonged to upper caste ?Other friends of mine were in the same college with 75% merit as they all belong to lower caste. So friend’s education is being divided based on the cast. Also admission is not given completely based on the merit. Isn’t it apprehensive??

I would like to brief another story of my friend closely related with this subject. My friend wanted to get into government job in one of his interested field. But there also the seat matrix was divided on caste and other categories. So there also he wasn’t able to get job due to his caste.

No doubt the government of any region are keeping such seat matrix for the upliftment of people. But now the caste is not the judging parameter but as per the recent circumstances ‘MONEY POWER’ is the deciding parameter for the upliftment. Also assistance should be provided to physically and mentally retarded citizens. So shouldn’t the upliftment be provided to needy poor people rather than shelling out seats based on any other factor??

I have seen many of my friends who despite of getting seats based on their caste reservation, takes seats purely based on merit. This shows their firmness in UNITY as they believe ‘WE ALL ARE EQUAL’.

I hope one day we all would unite IRRESPECTIVE OF Caste, Religion, Nationality and Race!!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Children MUST Shift from JUNK to Healthy food

Once upon a day I was present in a recess(interval) of a particular school. I was enjoying the way children were spending there quality time gossiping and fighting verbally on a small topic.

But then what was eye-catching to me was that 70% of children were eating snacks available in packets. They were indulge in consuming unhealthy junk foods. It might lead students to be the victim of Heart stroke, Diabetes, Abnormal blood pressure etc; Also nowadays students refrain from doing exercise/physical workout due to world being just a click away. So taking such food would enhance the risk factor.

Now students should mitigate such danger as soon as possible. Parents would play an important role in proscribing such activity by making their children to go along with fresh and healthy food. It would be easy for parents to give paltry 5-10 Rs. a day for their recess expenditure rather than giving nutritious food. In fact it's the shortcut which might prove to be disastrous for their children in future. I called it as an Excapeness. It wouldn't be a problem if it's occasional. Currently many schools had imposed that students should bring healthy eatery otherwise they would impose hefty fine. 

Ultimately it helps them in their learning process & would help our future generation in their overall development.

Is the Future of Journalist SAFE ??

Media plays an important role in our country India as they link every hip-n-happening around the globe with its Citizens. They are daily engaged in recording articles as Our Bharat is not deprived of news, whether it's about Science, Politics, Crime, Sports, Business etc;

But what was shocking is that Crime reporter/ Journalist are being brutally murdered. They are just being killed just because they published articles against such Social Animal. They are exposing such illegal acts of them. But unfortunately this is the response they get.

Instead of getting rewards they're being killed. Is this the DEMOCRACY ??

They are assisting Cops in exposing such crimes, but this happens and it's fact. Now what should be done in order to curb such menace. Giving meager 2 lakhs rupees to family of victims would not prevent such Crimes. A strong law should be enforced against those killers such that they even not think about such Sinful crime in future.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

My Dream Country - BHARAT

Our country India is a Secular Country. We have been blessed with natural assets like mountains, oceans, gardens, landscape, valleys etc; We live together in our society and share our experience with each other as we believe in

“Vasudheva Kutumbakam “

Even a small part of our Country celebrates infinite festivals together. This shows our UNITY.

But when I peeped closely, I found it astonishing . Looking at the current scenario of our country there are many pit holes on the land. Some of them are:
Pollution, Terrorism, Corruption, Robbery, Murders, atrocity against women and girls and many more...

The most shocking thing is that all this acts are not decreasing compared to previous decades but are increasing like a BRANCH OF BANYAN TREE.

So I think My Dream country – BHARAT will be free from all above acts. Also it would have Good Economy, Education, and Health and should emerge as developed country.

The environment of Bharat will be free from harmful gases. To do so it’s not a simple but also not an impossible one. One should have a strong feeling of protecting environment from their bottom of heart. They should plant more trees and stop deforestation. The industries shouldn’t dispose harmful chemicals and gases without decomposing them. Any source on the land producing harmful agents should be curbed.

And my Bharat would be having all the features that every Owner of any house would be aspiring in their home. 

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Father's Day Special - Society's Mirror

Hi Friends,

As you all know tomorrow is a World Father Day as well as International Yoga Day.

Everybody might have wished their father on this pious day. Some might present their father a gift/ Greetings for wishing them. All this things are happening around us.

But according to me, every father seek's happiness of their own children along with their family.
That would be most important gift to him.

Our father taught us everything from walking to solving important puzzle of life right from birth till now and still counting. But when finger point towards us, that what we did and what we will do for our father, we all should have answers.

As per current census of HelpAge India, 73% of senior citizens are victims of Elderly abuse in India.Results were shocking.Now a days Elderly Home are being flooded with elder people just because of the above reason. Elder people finds convenient to live in such homes rather than their own homes, as they had to be ecstatic about it. They even compromised their home for our bright future.

It is ridiculous. Our parents took every grief for us in making us what we are right now. So we should left no stone unturned in order to revert it to our parents with extra bonus for what they did for us.

We all know, future is uncertain. We even don't know what will be happening with us.

I am sure we will not do what children of that 73 % parents did. And hope we all will prevent others from doing this crime.

Gaurav D. Joshi

Disclaimer: This article is written in general. Don't take it personal. It's just for creating awareness. Mother is equally important as father. But for the day being Father's Day, father is the center of focus.